About the project
iHypE (Intraoperative Hypotension in Elder patients)
Intraoperative hypotension is associated with perioperative cardiac injury, kidney dysfunction and stroke, particularly in elder patients. However the definition and incidence of hypotension remains contentious.
The iHypE study is a 2 day observational study across the UK, which aims to characterise the intraoperative changes in blood pressure in patients aged > 65 in UK anaesthetic practice.
This project has been designed and delivered by the RAFT (www.raftrainees.com) trainee network, and is kindly supported by a NIAA (AAGBI) research grant and NIHR portfolio support.
Data collection has been completed (Nov 2016-Jan 2017) across a total of 198 centres spanning the UK. We would like to thank all those involved for their tremendous effort.
Watch out for iHypE at:
- ESA 2017, Geneva June 3-5
- BJA Research Forum, London April 5-6th
- ANZCA ASM, Brisbane, May 12-16th